Development & Production Robotics Centre to be built in Czech Republic, Ostrava. Investment of €12 million, ensuring 120 jobs.

New Development & Production Robotics Centre to be built in Czech Republic, Ostrava. Investment of 12 million euros, will be ensuring 120 skilled jobs.
The value of the global robot market exceeds $ 40 billion.
Apart from German companies Siemens and Kuka and the Japanese Fanuc, ABB is one of the most important suppliers of robots in the world. According to the World Robotics 2020 report, 373,000 robotic units were sold worldwide last year. The value of the global robot market, including sales of software, accessories and services, was over $ 40 billion last year.

Ostrava centre is to match those in Michigan and Shanghai. In 2020, Czech companies took a total of 2624 robots, which was the 15th place in the world in the number of new installations. Almost two thirds of all new robots are in the automotive industry, where there are on average more than 600 robots per 10,000 employees - about ten times more than in other sectors.
It is probably indisputable that the automation, robotization, digitization and efficiency of production processes will continue to advance, because not only for subcontractors it will be the only way to maintain sufficient profitability at low margins.
New robotics manufacturing and development center will bring 120 skilled jobs and focus on hi-tech manufacturing and development of robotic peripherals, which are key parts of the robot that are located at the end of its arm, such as pneumatic grippers, vacuum suction cups or camera systems.
Within a year and a day, a development and production center for robotics will be built
So far, there is a construction site, where concrete columns protrude from the clay into the air, behind which the picturesque Beskydy Mountains can be seen.

Within a year and a day, however, another huge hall should be built in the industrial park in Ostrava. Under its roof with photovoltaic panels, employees of the Swedish-Swiss multinational group ABB will begin to develop and manufacture robotic lines and repair robots from all over Europe.
The project of a new production and development center is being built in the Ostrava Airport Multimodal Park complex in Mošnov. The total investment will exceed 300 million Czech crowns and will initially bring about 120 qualified jobs. The center will open in the first half of 2022 and will use state-of-the-art automated and digital production processes.
World robotic unique within the whole group
This is a significant investment within the entire group. "We now have only two such centers in the world, one in Michigan and the other in Shanghai," said ABB's CEO in the Czech Republic.
"We bring a sophisticated production program with high added value for customers who are from the most demanding world markets. It is no coincidence that the new center will be established in the Czech Republic and Ostrava. We have built a strong base of technically and project-oriented top professionals. cooperation with schools headed by VŠB-TU. "
said ABB's CEO in the Czech Republic, adding:
"ABB is at the forefront of the entire group in terms of scope. Very strong robotic units are also elsewhere, but its complexity will make it unique. Programs in Ostrava include both sophisticated development, such as laser robotic applications, and the production of demanding peripherals for robots. as well as a global refurbishment center. "

The new robotic center will stand on three "pillars"
- On the one hand, robotic cells and lines will be developed and constructed, especially for subcontractors in the automotive industry. To do this, ABB wants to use state-of-the-art technologies, such as machine learning, but also automatic lines.
The robotic cells developed and manufactured here will find application throughout Europe, from Great Britain through Spain to Germany. We will also work here on projects related to light manufacturing, specifically in the field of plastics, the CEO explains.
- The ABB global center for robot repairs and refurbishment will be moved to the hall, which will have 12,000 square meters. This is already working in Ostrava, but according to the general director, it will be significantly expanded in the new hall.
"We are constantly expanding the types of robots that we are bringing back to life. It has long been more than just the automotive industry, especially in countries west of us, robots are used, for example, in the food industry, in the production of plastics or toys."
- Finally, the center will also focus on hi-tech production and development of so-called robotic peripherals. These are, for example, components at the end of the robotic arm, such as pneumatic grippers, vacuum suction cups or camera systems.
Source: ABB