Free Networking Event | Online EU Industrial & Auto Manufacturing, 16. Dec 22

16. December, Friday, 14:00 CET Time

EU Industrial & Auto Manufacturing | Supply challenges, Logistics, Inflation & Recession

Event Type | Informal Networking | Video Self-Introductions (optional) | Roundtables | Rotating Speed Networking Groups | Private Video Rooms | Business development | Purchasing 1-to-1

Topics | Production, Supply chain, Logistics, Recession & Materials Shortage

Free Registration | 1.5 Hour Online Networking Event

Networking Event Programme, 16 Dec.:

  1. VIDEO INTRODUCTIONS | 14:00 CET Time | 30 min
    - Optional voluntary self-introductions
    - You are free to briefly introduce yourself and/or your company
    - Self-introductions are live, brief, up to 1 minute, and to whole audience
  2. ROTATING SPEED NETWORKING in Small Groups | 14:30 | 30 min
    - 5 sessions of 6-minute networking in randomly assigned groups
    - Video Breakout Groups allow for meeting new contacts
    - Groups can also be titled by your desired topic to encourage debate (Production, Purchasing, Automation, Careers)
  3. ROUNDTABLES DISCUSSION | 15:00 | 15 min
    - Running in Parallel: Large Group Roundtable Discussions : You are invited to choose Your preferred Group Discussion
    - Roundtable Discussions offered: i) Supply Chain, ii) Production Challenges, iii) OEMs-Tier1 Purchasing, iv) PMI Inflation and Energy
    - You can freely leave and rejoin discussions
  4. ROTATING SPEED NETWORKING in Small Groups | 15:15 | 30 min
    - 5 sessions of 6-minute networking in randomly assigned groups
  5. PRIVATE VIDEO ROOMS 1-to-1 (optional)
    - Private Video Rooms run in parallel with Speed Networking
    - Private Rooms allow you more focused, undisturbed conversations, if you and your contact want a deeper discussion without distractions

Automotive Manufacturing NETWORKING: EU Supply Chain, Automation, eVehicles | LinkedIn
FREE Attendance NETWORKING EVENT | VIDEO Zoom, 120 Mins Online.1) INTRODUCTIONS (30 min) - Each participant introduces themselves/company in 60 seconds2) BREAKOUT ROOMS (45 min: 7 x 6 minutes Breakouts for personal, new contacts, and talks)3) TWO SHORT PRESENTATIONS (2 x 7 min) 1) INTRODUCTIONS…

Networking Event's Advantages

Free Attendance: There is no fee. Simply register to get an automatic reminder
Industries include: Industrial, mechanical, electronic manufacturing, automotive, automation & robotics, IIoT, logistics. Meet new contacts: Join industry colleagues from top European manufacturers and components suppliers
Attendees: Speak to senior engineering and manufacturing managers. Meet participants from a wide European Geography: countries include Germany, France, UK, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Czechia, Hungary and others. Meet in small video groups.

After Event

Contact Details Exchange

Willing participants can choose to exchange details with other participants of their own choosing

LinkedIn Community of 3600+ Members

Stay in touch with members and Connect directly via Official LinkedIn Website. Join our LinkedIn community of over 3600 members for live-chat before & after events. Research CVs of participants and make direct connections.

Interested in Speaking as Vendor?

For details See Sponsorship Opportunities or download PDF for packages & pricing

Interested to Speak as Manufacturer?

Large or Medium-Sized Industrial Manufacturers based in Europe can speak without charge. Join us with a Presentation or as Panellist at Roundtable. Use Industry events for networking & meeting new partners.

Your Video Highlights: As speakers who delivered Presentations you can choose to be Video-Recorded (for your company's marketing) or to opt-out.

Speakers previously attending

Companies previously attending

Previous Event Discussions included

Networking & Themes
- Production and suppy chain Challenges, 10-min Presentations
- OEMs and Supplier plans and volumes
- Electric Cars and 1.7 trillion EUR Brussels Green Fund

Online Networking Opportunities

Video Networking: Closest Video equivalent to Face-to-Face Conference. Fridays. 1.5 hours of Networking. Use time efficiently: meet, network, exchange contacts, live-meet new clients and hear from industry peers.

Our Pre-Covid Conferences

Automotive Supply chain Forum, Warsaw, February 2020

Join our Next Networking Event

Regularly Fridays, 2pm CET Time, Zoom Platform. Typically 40-80 participants.

Industrial Networking | Free Event

Join for Introductions, Speed Networking 

Join ZOOM Event | 16. Dec, 14:00 CET

* Above ZOOM Link becomes active half-hour before event start, 13:30 CET